This picture shows the monogram of Norwegian kings from 1623 and up to our present king. The tradition of carving the monograms on the wall the first time the king visited Kongsberg started in 1704. The monograms from previous kings visits was also made then. The reason why all the kings started to visit Kongsberg is that in 1623 silver was found here. All the silver belonged to the king so they came to check that everything was taken care of as they wanted. They stopped digging for silver quite a few years back but the tradition of putting up the kings monogram on his first visit has continued.
Thank you :o)
wonderful picture! it's always a pleasure to learn something from somewhere far away.
welcome to the DP Family!
Kuala Lumpur Daily Photo
Alexander. Jeg så din DP-blogg før jeg startet så den var en av de som inspirerte meg til å starte :o)
Edwin. Thank you for your comments. I was hoping that the story behind the motive would make it a bit more interesting, and it obviously did :o)
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