Kongsberg Jazzfestival is going new ways this year, and will build a one-of-a-kind stage to be used as one of the concert arenas this year. What you see here is the first part of the process of mounting the stage. When it's finished it will look quite spectacular. You can see some illustration pictures of the scene at Kongsberg Jazzfestival's homepage.
I will post pictures as the work progresses.
oh please do keep us informed. I would to know who'll be performing! yup, I'm a jazz lover.
kuala lumpur daily photo
Edwin: I will keep you posted. Hopefully I will get tickets to one of the concerts here at the new stage, and I'll try to take some pictures as well. You can read a little about some of the artists here: http://www.kongsberg-jazzfestival.no/default.asp?uid=172&CID=172
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