If you ever come to Kongsberg and would like to borrow a book or just read some newspapers, this is the place to go. The library used to be in an old building on the other side of town, but it burned to the ground some years ago. After the fire they rebuild the library here.
Nice design for a library!
in chinese we have a saying " if the old dont go, how could the new come" . It's blessing in disguise ;)
Wow, a librarians nightmare! Not the new building--it looks very nice--but to have the old library burn down.
tanty: Yes, it's extra peaceful now during the summer holidays. Not to many people here then.
kris: Yes, thats true. We got a new more modern library. The only sad thing about libararies burning is that many of the books cannot be replaced.
natalie: Well, luckily it started to burn at night time so nobody was inside the building.
Fire, flood and censorship...the librarian nightmare trio!
Thanks for sharing your library! I almost always visit libraries in other cities...now I can visit virtually. The building looks very nice, and I hope it is well used.
sarah: I haven't been there to often myself, but we use to rent som books for our daughter every second month or so. It's usually quite a few people there then, so I think it's beeing used pretty much.
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